Thursday, July 30, 2015

Chaplain Graydon E. McClellan Heading Home

From left: My father, Marian and Jimmy McPartland?

From April 1946: After two years as an Army chaplain, most of it spent in the European Theater, my father sailed out of LeHavre on a troop ship headed for New York. On that ship, Dad met jazz musicians Jimmy and Marian McPartland. Jimmy served in the Army, playing jazz for the soldiers. That's how Jimmy met Marian, who had joined an English version of the USO. My father was never a jazz fan, but he really enjoyed these two, and he and Marian stayed in touch over the years. That's my dad on the left in the first picture. I THINK—but don't know for sure—that the couple in the photos is Marian and Jimmy; based on the last photo, which is a picture of them that I found on the Internet, I'm pretty sure that they're the very same people. And people wonder why I spend so much time looking through all these old photos! 
Definitely Marian and Jimmy McPartland
Marian and Jimmy McPartland?

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